Physical Therapy Interventions 1
Introduces medical terminology, common pathologies, abbreviations, and documentation pertinent to the role of the physical therapist assistant. Develops skills for fundamental physical therapy treatments. Includes draping and positioning of patients, transferring and lifting of patients, palpation of anatomical landmarks, goniometry, massage, gait training with assistive devices, and utilization of selected thermal agents. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the PTA program. Corequisites: PTA 106 and PTA LB1.
Subject Code: PTA
Course Number: 101
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify in writing at least 100 prefixes, word roots, and suffixes used in medical terminology.
2. Interpret correctly at least 75 abbreviations used in medical records.
3. Document physical therapy (PT) interventions accurately utilizing the Subjective/Objective/Assessment/Plan (S.O.A.P.) format.
4. Produce accurate medical documentation in various formats commonly utilized in current practice, which may include proper formatting, appropriate content, electronic medical records, and utilization of proper terminology.
5. Discuss causes and associated impacts of at least 30 common pathologies encountered in contemporary physical therapy practice settings.
6. Demonstrate proper techniques in safe patient handling, which may include transfers, bed mobility, mechanical equipment and lifts, patient positioning, and wheelchair management.
7. Assess and define patient level of assistance and implement strategies for client and therapist safety, including lifting techniques, body mechanics, and appropriate devices.
8. Perform and interpret a variety of anthropometric and body measurements, including goniometric, limb length, circumferential, weight, and girth measurements.
9. Describe normal and abnormal joint range of motion, normal and abnormal end feels, motion restrictions, and qualitative characteristics of movement.
10. Instruct surrogate patients in safe ambulation with appropriate assistive devices at all levels of assistance, including stairs and various surfaces.
11. Demonstrate proper application of therapeutic modalities, which may include selected thermal agents.
12. Demonstrate safe, indicated, and proper application technique of therapeutic massage including soft tissue mobilization in various forms.
13. Describe methods of heat exchange, related physiological effects, indications, and contraindications for thermal and cryotherapy agents.
14. Describe methods of implementing and ensuring electrical safety which might occur in a PT practice.
15. Implement effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies for patient questioning, instructing, monitoring, and treatment.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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